We’re always looking for new ways to support local people in South Louisiana, and one of our favorite ways to do so is through our Hear for the Holidays competition.

With so many people contributing to our community, we want to give back and help someone who deserves a chance.

Hear for the Holidays is a chance for everyone to raise awareness of hearing loss and fight back.

The contest works by having people nominate someone they know who may benefit from a complimentary set of high-quality hearing aids. When she discovered she had won last year, Karen Davis was over the moon. She is still reaping the benefits to this day!

Now that it’s 2023, we are prepared to present our newest winner with their life-improving hearing aids.

And the Winner Is…

Without further delay, we proudly announce Emmett A. Rost as our 2022 Hear for the Holidays winner.

Emmett was chosen after receiving a glowing nomination. We had a hard time selecting the winner but, ultimately, Emmett’s story convinced us all that they deserved the chance at better hearing.

Emmett had a few comments to make after receiving the great news:

“I can’t wait to hear the sound of a steak sizzling on the grill. I’m looking forward to doing everythingenjoying football games with the family and getting to hold a conversation that I can actually understand.

I missed out on a lot of stuff. People would say things, and I would just agree if the majority of others were agreeing. I was missing a lot of stuff that people would say, which is frustrating and embarrassing. It got to the point where I preferred to stay home rather than go out and socialize.

My experience at SLENT Hearing and Balance Center has been great, better than I could have expected. Everyone here is so personable and wonderful. Thank you so much.”

Emmett also had this to add about their nominator and if they would recommend this to others:

“I love every one of his friends and family, and I appreciate what they have all done for me. I can’t put this all into words. If anyone is on the fence about getting help, my advice is don’t wait, do it. So far, these devices are unbelievable, and the whole experience has been great.”

Thanks to You…

What we love about this competition is the compassion we see from people like you, who submit nominations for their deserving loved ones.

We want to help everyone with hearing loss, but we also want to raise awareness and open the lines of communication.

Prevention is our greatest asset in the fight against hearing loss. The more people know about this condition and how it develops, the less we’ll see it.

This competition gives you a chance to help someone who may need a little push in the right direction toward better hearing.

Ultimately, this competition is only successful because of the hundreds of heartfelt nominations we receive that truly reflect the impact of hearing loss on loved ones and friends.

Thank you very much to all who nominated, and we hope you’ll continue to participate in the future as well.

How to Get Involved

If you missed 2022’s competition, I hope you’ll circle it on your calendar for 2023.

You can follow our efforts by subscribing to our monthly newsletter or follow us on any of our social media platforms: FacebookInstagram, and LinkedIn.

We also encourage everyone to schedule an annual hearing assessment to ensure your hearing is not at risk. These painless but detailed tests tell us everything we need to know about the status of your hearing. Contact us anytime with any questions you may have.

However you choose to get involved, we look forward to seeing you prioritize your hearing healthcare in 2023.

Tags: hear for the holidays