Dizziness Treatment

Dizziness causes you to feel unstable or sense the room is spinning. There are many reasons that dizziness occurs, and for proper treatment, a doctor must ascertain the cause of the condition. Dizziness often occurs for people with persistent allergies. Find out about the symptoms and solutions for dizziness.

Causes and Concerns

Dizziness is that feeling of light headedness. You may sometimes feel as though you cannot keep your balance, or you may feel like you are going to fall to the ground. A common type of dizziness is called vertigo. Vertigo is the sensation that you or your surrounding environment is moving. Motion sickness is another type of dizziness that occurs when riding in a car or moving vehicle.
There are quite a few different reasons that you may experience dizziness. These include:

  • Anxiety – A panic attack or symptoms of anxiety can make you feel lightheaded and off balance.
  • Neurological Diseases – Diseases that involve the nervous system can throw off your balance.
  • Circulation – Poor blood circulation to your brain leads to a sensation of dizziness. You can also get light headed if you quickly stand up from a lying down or sitting position, because your body moves faster than the blood flow.

Symptoms and Signs

If you experience any chest pains, have a stiff neck, a fever over 101 degrees, or dizziness after you hit your head on something, seek medical attention immediately. If you experience hearing loss associated with dizziness, or if this is your first time being dizzy, consider consulting one of our allergy specialists, as this could be an indication of a more serious problem. Common symptoms that occur along with dizziness from persistent allergies include:

  • Nasal drainage and congestion
  • Headaches
  • Itchy, watery eyes
  • Ringing in the ears
  • Sneezing or coughing

Solutions and Options

When you visit the doctor for your dizziness, he or she will ask you a series of questions to determine exactly what is going on and why you are dizzy. The doctor will also conduct a physical examination and some tests, such as checking your blood pressure, imaging, and allergy testing. Because dizziness can be caused from so many different things, the doctor must find out the exact cause of your problem.
Treatment typically includes medications to either eliminate the dizziness cause. The medications are taken on a daily basis and provide relief for the dizziness. In some cases, the doctor may request that you take balance classes and do balancing exercises. These exercises will help you balance better and will be helpful if you experience dizziness again.

Tips for Avoiding Dizziness

There are some things that you can do to avoid becoming dizzy. These tips will help you overcome your dizziness, but they do not replace medical treatment. Use these tips as a guide to help you reduce your chances of dizziness. They include:

  • Avoid reading while in a vehicle
  • Avoid rapid head motions
  • Avoid quick changes in positions
  • Treating any ear and sinus infections
  • Stay hydrated
  • Avoid sitting backwards in vehicles


Dizziness can occur at any time and with anybody. There is not always an underlying cause of motion sickness or dizziness. Many Americans suffer from some form of dizziness in their lifetime. Most cases of dizziness are mild and do not necessarily require extensive treatment. Many people with persistent allergies suffer from reoccurring dizziness. Dizziness is preventable by following certain tips and also seeking medical care. If you are prescribed medications, make sure to take them as prescribed. Consult one of our caring allergy specialists today to discuss a solution to your symptoms.
Additional Reading:http://www.entnet.org/HealthInformation/dizzinessMotionSickness.cfm