Hearing Tests

If you’ve been noticing any changes in your hearing, it might be time to visit us at SLENT Hearing & Balance Center. Our team of hearing professionals is here to help you understand your hearing health better. During your appointment, we’ll conduct a thorough hearing test to assess your hearing abilities. You’ll learn about the different aspects of your hearing and how they impact your communication and daily life. With the information gathered from the test, we can work together to determine the best treatment services to address any hearing concerns you may have, ensuring you can stay connected and engaged in the world around you.

Types of Hearing Tests

At SLENT Hearing & Balance Center, our audiologists tailor the hearing tests we administer to meet each patient’s individual needs. Your age, symptoms and medical history guide us in selecting the most suitable tests for you. Here are some of the common hearing tests you may undergo during your evaluation:

Pure-Tone Testing

During pure-tone testing, you’ll wear headphones and listen to tones at different frequencies and volumes. This helps us determine your hearing threshold – the softest level at which you can hear each frequency.

Bone Conduction

This test helps us pinpoint where in the ear the hearing problem is occurring. It distinguishes between conductive and sensorineural hearing problems.

Speech Testing

Similar to pure-tone testing, speech testing asks you to identify words and speech instead of tones. It provides insights into real-world listening scenarios.

Otoacoustic Emissions (OAE) Test

OAE assesses the health of the tiny hair cells within the cochlea by measuring the sounds they emit in response to external stimuli. It helps identify any potential damage or dysfunction.

Auditory Brainstem Response (ABR) Test

ABR evaluates the integrity of the auditory nerve and brainstem pathways. Electrodes placed on the scalp detect electrical activity in response to auditory stimuli.

We also offer specialized testing options for individuals who can’t actively participate in the process, ensuring everyone receives the necessary hearing care.

Understanding the Results of Your Hearing Test

Understanding the results of your hearing test involves delving into various aspects of your auditory health. Our audiologists at SLENT Hearing & Balance Center will provide a comprehensive explanation of your test findings, including details about the extent and nature of any hearing loss detected. They will discuss specific frequencies and the severity of loss, giving you a clear picture, of which sounds you may struggle to hear. Additionally, they will compare your hearing abilities to established thresholds for your age group.

With this detailed information, you’ll gain insights into the nuances of your hearing health, allowing you to make informed decisions about potential interventions or treatments. Whether it’s exploring options like hearing aids or considering assistive listening devices, you’ll have a clearer path forward in addressing your hearing needs.