Balance Disorders and Tests

Did you know that your balance is directly linked to your ears? That constant nausea or dizziness you’re experiencing could potentially be a direct result of a larger hearing issue or hearing loss, but don’t worry, treating this is our specialty.

The balance disorder test is very similar to the hearing test, with an emphasis on a physical examination of your inner ear, which is carried out by one of our highly trained Doctors of Audiology.

Using a number of advanced methods, we can identify the source of your condition and pursue the best treatment options to address it.

Your balance is generally something you wouldn’t give much thought to until you experience a problem.

Because vertigo, or poor balance is likely to result in falls, accidents or injuries, understanding why they occur is a key part of combatting any problems. The sensory information related to motion, equilibrium, and spatial orientation in your brain to help you to maintain balance comes from the vestibular apparatus located in each of your ears.

When functioning properly, the vestibular organs on both sides of your head send symmetrical impulses to the brain, which help you to stay balanced. When these organs are not functioning properly, they can cause dizziness and mild to severe balance problems.

“I highly recommend SLENT Dr. Martinez for any hearing or balance issues. He takes time to listen carefully to patients, does a thorough evaluation, and provides the best care possible.”

  • Gavin Marcotte

What To Expect In Your Balance Assessment

1. What To Do 24 Hours Before Your Appointment

Please don’t drink alcohol 24 hours prior to your balance assessment, as this may interfere with the test.

Also, please don’t wear mascara, eyeliner, or face lotions when you come to the clinic, as these too may interfere with the accuracy of the results.

2. Please Arrive 15-Minutes Before Your Appointment

When you arrive, you will be greeted by our reception staff, then you will be given some forms to fill out.

3. The ENG and VNG Tests

Your assessment will start with the ENG and VNG tests in a dark room. Both these tests analyze how well your eyes help your sense of balance, which is determined by watching a series of sequences of light on a monitor.

You’ll then be instructed to move in certain ways whilst watching bright patterns.

4. The Rotary Chair Tests

You’ll then be asked to move onto a mechanized chair, which further tests your eyesight in relation to your balance.

Here, a headset will be placed over your eyes, which will measure how your eyes respond to different impulses.

5. The VEMP Test

Next up, it’s your muscles’ turn to be tested. You’ll sit in a chair wearing a pair of headphones and your specialist will place small sensory pads on your head and face.

When you hear a specific sound, you’ll be asked to react in a certain way.

6. Finally, The Video Head Impulse Test

This test will determine how your eyes adapt to sudden movement, which will require you to wear a pair of special glasses.

Your specialist will gently adjust the position of your head, which will give an accurate account of how your eyes move.

Once that’s done, you’re done too!

Symptoms of Balance Disorders

Balance disorders can manifest in various ways, impacting your daily activities and overall quality of life. Understanding these symptoms is crucial for early detection and treatment:

1. Vertigo and Motion Intolerance.

Often characterized by a spinning sensation, vertigo can occur with sudden head movements or changes in position. This dizziness, ranging from mild to severe, may last from a few seconds to several hours, disrupting your daily routine.

2. Persistent Imbalance or Unsteadiness.

Balance disorders can also present as a constant sense of unsteadiness, making it challenging to walk or stand upright. This symptom might lead to a tendency to stumble or difficulty in maintaining a straight walking path, significantly affecting mobility and independence.

3. Additional Symptoms

Other symptoms may include nausea, a sensation of floating or swaying, blurred vision during movement, or even lightheadedness. Some individuals may also experience anxiety, fear of falling, or a decrease in concentration, further affecting their daily lives.

At SLENT Hearing & Balance Center, we understand the complexities of balance disorders and offer comprehensive evaluations to identify the root cause of your symptoms. Our team is dedicated to providing personalized treatment plans to help you regain your balance and confidence.